What is new here .... year 2012

News in 2006, news in 2007, news in 2008, news in 2009, news in 2010+2011


last update in this year 2012. The year 2012 was partly sad and partly happy for us, we had to part with two our members, they left into dog´s heaven and we brought new future as well. And that is the life. We wish all good to all of you and your friends, and may the common whiles make happy mood for the next year 2013, and may it also bring happiness, succes and good will :-)

and some dog´s news:

We have small schipperkes, they are looking like toys, there is five of them, and they are last children of our great Kiwi. More info here

Chispa will have puppies on the end of january. Proud father is for the first time Bugsy Nubika. More info here

Uno will be proud father also :-) he stud beautifull female - Eywy White line Czech. More info at homepage of kennel Bila Merci


This time very very very sad update ....

I´ll be forever missing you ....

wonderfull succes of "Hugo" Homer of Taien (Evis x Chantal):
Dog show 22/09/2012 Turku - Finland: V1, SERT, BOB + BIG II
become Finnish Champion!

Mao was shining at her first show

Results of our schipperkes at Club show:
"Mao" Elfi Blackline Czech (Little Anton of Brave Goblin x Fantasia Taien) - VN1, BIS PUPPY Orien Taien (Framilla Connery x Black Berry Taien) - VN1
"Kiwi" Dyna v.d. Wieteke´s hoeve - V1, Best veteran

pictures from show can be seen here:


Almost all our "S"unny puppies are in great new homes. Only one male Salvator "Thor" is still enjoying his birhtplace and making fun here, he is still waiting for his new great owners.

Puppies from Chantal and Gringo are growing up into smart dogs, there are 3 shortcoated males - Urbis Scarabeus, Urbis Uran and Urbis Ursus, and 3 shortcoated and 4 longcoated females - Uva Unicus, Uma Unicus, Umberta Unicus, Uriel Unicus, Ursa Unicus, ...., look to presentation of "U" litter here ..

We have new hopes here - granddaughter of our Chantal and Brenda - female Toyen Taien "Tori" (Otso´s Obsidian Taien x Karita Taien "Rita") and small black devil - granddaughter of our Chiquita (Gredy Bergerac de Hu) girl "Mao" Elfi Blackline Czech (Ch. Little Anton of Brave Goblin x Ch. Fantasia Taien). Mao will be living with our friend, together they will become star agility team :-)))


They are growing

big congratulation to Jowita and Cassyopeya Taien (Shadowalley´s Loftyboy x Gara z Veselé rodiny) for great result:
04.08.2012 IDS - Druskininkai(LT)- International DS Druskininkai (LT)
CASSYOPEYA Taien - veteran class - V1, Best Veteran, BOB !


Puppies, puppies, puppies and Club action for schipperkes

At first posible date 27/07/2012 Chantal gives us gang of 10 beautifull puppies - 3 males and 7 females, they are very similar looking ..... first pictures here:

On saturday 28/07 Club for schipperkes accepted for breeding new hopes: male Krasty Taien, female Kuky Taien, Mon Ami Taien and Nefertiti Taien, all with fulldentation, scissors bite ..


Puppies are growing :-)


Puppies II - info, White Shepherd Club Show and pictures

04/07/0121 born litter "T" from Karita "Rita". It is only one litter of male Otso´s Obsidian Taien "Obi". This litter can be found at Kladno, where Mr. Bartusek and his family is living together with Rita. We will keep female from this litter as a new hope :-)

On friday 06/07/2012 we enjoy club show for White Shepherd at Jicin. And our results:
Number One of White Energy "UNO" - V1, CAC, v intermediate class ( for Uno his last show this year, becouse he has 3 x CAC in one year and he need one more from next year to become Czech champion)
Elvis Taien - V1, Best longcoated veteran

And sending congratulation to "Vlocka" Padme Taien (Niktel White Miraja x Chispa Taien) V1 in junior class.

Elvis and female Manon Taien (Argo of Barrandov´s Alley x Chispa Taien) - HD A, ED 0/0 - pass bonitation and is new breeding female..

"S"unny puppies are growing :-) look at the pictures:


today is birth day of litter "T" - more info soon...

pictures of our "S"unny puppies - We took pictures of boys and girls separately, becouse they are looking very similar..
last week we was part of big event in Belgium - Club show of Royal Schipperke Club - in sunday 24/06/2012. Judge: Dr. Robert Pollet and Mrs. Pauline Stern-Hanf. All day have been raining, but it was very nice action as ussually .-)
and our results:

Pluto Taien (Framilla Connery x Amélie) - VP1 in puppy class (judge: Dr. Robert Pollet)
Framilla Connery - Ex1, intermediate class
Kuky Taien - Vg3 in breeding class
Isaac Taien - EX in champion class

16/06/2012 Club show of KCHMPP

Framilla Connery - V1, CAC, best male
Krasty Taien - V2, res. CAC
Mon Ami Taien - V2
Nefertiti Taien - V1, CAJC, BOJ
Luna Taien - V2, res. CAC
Kuky Taien - V1, CAC

17/06/2012 - Special Show KCHMPP

Framilla Connery - V1, CAC, Special show winner, BOB
Krasty Taien - VD2
Mon Ami Taien - V2
Nefertiti Taien - V1, CAJC, BOJ
Kuky Taien - V1, CAC
Luna Taien - V2, res. CAC
competition of breeding groups - schipperkes from Taien - 3th place :-)

17/05/2012 - District show Kchmpp

Number One of White Energy "UNO" - Clac winner, District winner

and big congatulation to female "Shegy" Kruela Taien for 2th place and excelent marking at agility race



Chispa and Uno has puppies. At night from 6th to 7th of June 2012 born 9 beautifull puppies - 5 males and 4 females!
Let us introduce "S" litter Taien :-)

Big congratulation to "Shegy" - Kruela Taien (Flash Yukon of White Sunshine x Brebis Blanc Taien) for 2th place at special agility race for White shepherds


Planned litter LITTER U

Chantal had date on wednesday 30/06 near Austrian and Swiss borders
As a father for our next litter we choosed fantastic male - Gringo There is not neccesary to introduce this male, his succeses are demonstrative in it self.
let hold fingers for great new generation :-)


Internation Dog Show - Litoměřice 26/05/2012

Judge - Beata Petkevica (Litva), 29 entranced white shepherds
Uno intermediate class - V1, CAC, CACIB

Sending congratulation to female "Bonca" (Nota Bonna Taien) for exam BH


World weekend

World dogs show - Salzburg - Austria
Uno in middleclass - EXCELENT

World club show - Anif - Austria
Uno in middleclass - EXCELENT II, res. CACA

Hafly sad new is that our Obík is in new family, we decide to sell him becouse it started be very difficult to handle 2 same age old males for us. Always one of them should be first and we cannot let the other one to be second. With sad heard we decide to sell my dear lovely white bear Obi. Obi moved to Netherland into legendary white shepherd kennel Crystalmoon.

new pictures of - Chippewa Taien and schipperkes


We have lovely visit - Hanka Grahamova with Cherokee Taien "Roky". Roky is new Champion of Czech Republic in Rescuedog´s work. To get such a title he had to be 3 times 1th in national rescue Dozvěděli jsme se neuvěřitelnou zprávu :-) Cherokee "Roky" byl za své mimořádné výkony oceněn titulem: Šampion ČR ve výkonu záchranných psů.
Šampionát ve výkonu záchranných psů lze získat na základě tří vítězství v celostátních soutěžích, takovým výsledkem, který kolegium rozhodčích ocení čekatelstvím CACT. K udělení titulu Šampiona ČR ve výkonu záchranných psů jsou ještě vázány další dílčí podmínky, které z tohoto titulu vytvářejí v oblasti sportovní části záchranářské kynologie vůbec nejvyšší dosažitelné ocenění v České republice.
Troufám si tvrdit, že to je vůbec první bílý ovčák s takovýmto oceněním! Navíc byl Roky vyhlášen PSEM ROKU 2011 Jihočeské záchranné brigády.
Hanče a Rokýskovi úplně nejvíc gratulujeme a držíme všechny palečky ať se daří dále :-)

Na konci tohot videa můžete vidět Rokyho při práci, zachraňuje 2 topící se figuranty :-) Nejdříve plave k prvnímu, který volá o pomoc, umožní mu zachycení a plave pro druhého, bezvládného, kterého zachytí a odtáhne na břeh

Další novinkou je, že náš pejsek Obi nakryl fenku Karitu Taien, tento vrh bude psán na naší chovatelskou stanici - VRH T - ovšem štěňátka i s maminkou najdete u pana Bartuška nedaleko Kladna. Tento vrh bude zřejmně jediný vrh po našem Obíkovi v ČR. Více info o plánovaném vrhu na naší štěňátkovské stráce

Posíláme gratulaci do Brna. Šiperák Jolly Joker Taien (Element of Crime x Kiwi) získal na krajské výstavě v Dětřichově 28/04/2012 titul Krajského vítěze a je novým chovným psem šiperkou


Přišly nám výsledky genetických testů na onemocnění zvané Degenarativní myelopatie, více o tomto onemocnění se dozvíte například zde. Jedná se o nemoc postihující převážně německé ovčáky a plemena z něj vyšlá. Možnost genetického testování této nemoci je poměrně nová a využívá jí mnoho chovatelú v Holandsku, Německu, Belgii atd .. Schéma dědičnosti je stejné jako u MDR tzn, N/N - zdravý jedinec bez vlohy, N/P - klinicky zdravý, ovšem přenašeč, P/P - postižený jedinec. Vzhledem k náročnosti testu jsme zatím nechali testovat 3 ovčáky z našeho chovu s tímto výsledkem:

Number One "UNO" of White Energy - DM N/N
Otso´s Obsidian "OBI" Taien - DM N/N
Chantal Taien - DM N/N

05/05/2012 jsme byli fandit našim odchovancům na Mezinárodní výstavě v Praze a moc jim blahopřejeme ke krásným výsledkům:

Ovčanda Manon Taien (Argo x Chispa) - výborná
šiperka Luna Taien (Cyrilek x Kiwi) - V1, CAC

Také posíláme velikou gratulaci do Českých Budějovic fence "Shegy" a paničce k výsledku z krajské výstavy 21/04/2012:
Kruela Taien (Flash Yukon x Brenda) - Výborná 1, Vítěz třídy, Krajský vítěz
a děkujeme za super video:


New photos

Thanks to Karin (www.nubika.cz) for friday´s photoday. Some pictures are really unique. We caught a lion even! :-D I did some new pictures of our small schipperkes in week, there will be lot of fun with them soon ... :-)
Uno jako lev


W eekend of White Shepherd Club ČR - 07-08/04/2012

At saturday - show and bonitation

Let us introduce you 3 new stud males FCI:
Number One of White Energy "UNO" - longcoated, 62 cm, ED 0/0, HD 1/1
Otso´s Obsidian Taien "OBI" - longcoated, 61,5cm, ED 0/0, HD 0/0
Mambo Taien "MAX" - shortcoated, 66cm, ED 0/0, HD 0/0
and female - Zelmarian Himalaya of Taien "MÁJA" - longcoated, ED 0/0, HD 0/0

Show results of Taien´s:
Chispa Taien (Obi-Van Kinobi x Gara) - ex1, CAC (open class)
Number One of W.E. "UNO" - ex2 (intermediate class)
Mambo Taien (Argo x Chispa) - ex3 (open class)
Deborah Taien (Bredy Monkey x Amira) - ex3 (veteran class)
Obsidian Taien "OBI" - vg4 (intermediate class)

Best Pair - UNO + CHISPA

thanks for presentation and congratulation! :-)


Few news in March, our birthday month - Niki celebrated her 2th birtday, Brenda her 10th birthday and Gara celebrated her 13th birthday! We welcome new schipperke puppies also :-) - more at schipperke puppy page

31/03/2012 IDS České Budějovice
shepherd Kruela Taien "Shegy" (Flash Yukon x Brebis Blanc)
ex1 CAC
congratulation :-)

schipperke Fantasia Taien (Chimindoa Fire x Gredy Bergerac de Hu)
ex1, 2x CAC, BOB

New x-ray results:
Otso´s Obsidian Taien "OBI"- HD A, ED 0/0
Number One of White Energy "UNO" - HD B, ED 0/0

new photos at rajce.cz - big thank for Whisky´s and Kiwi´s pictures to Karin (www.nubika.cz)

"Obi" - Otso´s Obsidian Taien

šiperky "P" Taien

šiperka Orien Taien

"Whisky" - Framilla Connery

"Kiwi" - Dyna v.d. Wietekes hoeve


S econd update in this year

04/02/2012 - IDS Brno
white Shepherds - judge Petra Márová
Otso´s Obsidian Taien "Obi" - ex3
Jasmina Taien - ex

schipperkes - judge Ing Leoš Jančík
Framilla Connery "Whisky" - ex1, CAC, CACIB

05/02/2012 - IDS Brno
white shepherd - judge Ing. Leoš Jančík
Number One of White Energy "UNO" - ex1, CAC, CACIB

schipperkes - judge Anna Kochan, Pl
Framilla Connery "Whisky" - ex1, CAC, res. CACIB

IDS Trenčín 28.1.2012
schipperke Fantasia Taien - ex1, CAC, res. CACIB
congratulation! :-)

new pictures of Whisky and Robin


F irst update at this year

Chispa has new photoalbum at rajce.cz - thanks to Karin http://www.foto-nubika.wbs.cz

07/01/2012 - National dog show
Fantasia Taien - ex2, res. CAC

Přejeme Vám mnoho radosti, přejeme lásku, mír, naději, vyrovnanost, pokoru a štěstí v roce 2012

Time flies so fast, Chantal and Chispa celebrate 5th birthday at new year´s Eve.... Liza, my first white shepherd, said goodbye forewer so Gara became the oldest Taien

Last year we forgot to add the following results:

19/11/2011 - IDS Bratislava
Fantasia Taien - V1, CAC, CACIB

20/11/2011 - IDS Bratislava
Fantasia Taien - V1, CAC, CACIB

11/12/2011 - IDS Kassel
Isaac Taien - V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB

04/12/2011 - Finnish winner show Helsinky
Zelmarian Homer of Taien "Hugo" - ex2 in champion class (10 dogs in class), 4th most beautifull dog of breed4

Big congratulation
Draga Taien "Bella" bojuje v soutěži PES PRAHY 10
Hlasovat pro ni můžete zde

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