After reportage in Czech TV - Prima we also appear in Magazine Recety prima nápadů ...
International dog show in Nitra - Slovakia :
White Shepherds - judge Mr Řehánek:
Chantal - Ex1, CAC
We were very curious how belgian judge Mrs
Monique Van Brempt will like our schipperkes. And she liked them a lot :-)
Amélie - V1, CAC,
Jack - V1, CAC,
We are allready used that in final competition is Jack usually choosed to closer selection but
this time he become
BIG II - yupii
It is a time to anounce some news before we forget them :-)
Firstly we find that
of our schipperke
Chiquita - Gory Bergerac de Hu -
Agility World Championship 2008 and become on
8. place - we are sending congratulation to Tóth Ágnes and Gory to Hungary!
Look how fast and great they are:
On saturday
11.10. we took place in Special Show of
Kchmpp with such a results:
Amélie - V1, CAC,
Special Show winner
Black Jack - V1, CAC,
Special Show winner, BOB - gratulation to Denisa
Black Berry - V1
Bobeš - V1
final competition - best breeding group at this Special show -
second place!
On Saturday 4.10 there were
Club show of
Czech White Shepherd Club:
Chantal intermediate Class, 5females - Ex1, CAC
next congratulation belong to:
Isolda (Im Isolda Taien), young class, 6 females - Ex2
Elvis, winner class, 2 males - Ex1, CAC
Ferguston, working class, 2 males
- Ex1, CAC
On the end we discovered that
Chantal become
Miss 2007 and Club champion - next dream come true :-)
Results from IDS České Budějovice 28.9.2008:
Amélie: V1, CAC,
Johny: V1, CAC,
We didnt show our white shepherd this time but we were crossing fingers.
Congratulation to
Kruela Taien alias Shegy - VN1
and to
Cherokee Taien alias Roky - V1, CAC
We would like to share our happiness
and joy with everybody - our girl
Chantal Taien became
BOB and World Winner 2008
I have to thank to everybody who helped us,
who hold fingers and
who cheer for us. We are so happy. Thank u a lot! :-D
We are happy and celebrating
Chantal succesfully pas her first working exam:
Some news
Chiquita had suprise for us - two girls and one boy - they born on monday 14.7.2008.
On sunday 19.7. 2008 he have been on national dog show in city Mlada Boleslav
Schipperkes - judge M. Václavík
Black Berry Taien - VG
White Shepherd - judge Tibor Havelka (SK)
Chantal Taien - intermediate, 3 females - Ex.1, CAC
We have tested some of our dogs in
Genocanin lab - and we allready received results of MDR testing :
Amádea Whiteline Czech -
MDR +/+ Free
Brebis Blanc Taien -
MDR +/+ Free
Elvis Taien -
MDR +/+ Free
Chantal Taien -
MDR +/+ Free
Chispa Taien -
MDR +/+ Free
For experience we let test some of our schipprkes also:
Amélie - all are also
MDR +/+ Free
There are tested both parents from Taien´s schipperke litter E and white shepherd litter J - both parents are free so puppies can´t suffer by MDR or be carriers.
Speciality show of Royal Schipperke club Belgie took place this weekend in Beringen. Czech team came in composition of me, Mrs. Brezinova and Rezler´s family + 8 schipperkes.
There were accepted 79! schipperkes in to the show and judging was Mrs Myriam Vermeire and Mr Dirk Spruyt. Again it was one of most beautifull schipperke show, everything was great organizated, in friendly atmosphere.
And here are results of Taien´s Schipperkes:
Im very happy from our results - specialy im proud on Kiwi becouse in this show there is only one CAC and one res. CAC (like CACIB on IDS) so result of Kiwi mean that she is
Second most beaufifull female of this show. All results can be found under and pictures on
homepage of schipperke Capone and Clyde
We have booked all schipperkes puppies, male Esso and female Electra leave to Finland, female Easy leave to Slovakia, and male Elecron is living in beautifull part of czech nature - Slapy. Last female Ebony is booked also. Well and we have to say that we are missing our funny group from small black devils
We are bringing results from club show of
KCHMPP which taok place on 21.6.2008 in Mlada Boleslav - judge: Gabriela Ridarčíková SK:
Šiperky kategorie 3-5kg:
Agáta Taien - V1, CAC
Fire - V1, CAC,
Šiperky kategorie 5-8kg:
Dorka Taien - VN2
Berry Taien - V1, CAC
Jack Taien - V1, CAC,
BOB - complete condition for
Czech champion - congratulation
It was very succesfull show for all schipperkes, and in final competition we beat berenese mountain dogs and group of shi-tzu and our group of schipperkes became
best breeding group I didnt expect this at all, becouse schipperkes are not so popular breed and our joyance was huge :-)
We have received oficial results of hip and elbow x-rays:
HD A, ED 0
You can imagine how happy we are :-)
Also we are bringing u new pictures of
teddybears from litter K, we took last pictures when they had two weeks. And now they are allready more than 5! All of them they are very happy puppies and they are enjoying new world. Girls get collars (blue, cream and orange) and boys are easy to identificate - Kevin is the one with longer coat and Kody is without collar.
Only what is a shame, that almost all pictures are static, becouse my camera is not ready to "catch" puppies in action.
All puppies are growing correctly and we are enjoying time with them :-)
Small schipperkes has everyday more and more energy, they are interested about everythink and they love toys which they can bite and move in better case.
Look to actualizated schipperke page -
schipperkes E - actor is Tomas - owner of schipperke Dorka and big white puppy is Bruno z Plavske zahrady.
On the end - Tomas was not injured during taking pictures, even he wasnt moved (althought was triing that a lot and with all posible energy :-))
Největší pokrok udělali bílý ovčáci z vrhu K - ze všech jsou pohodáři a užívají si nově objevovaného světa. A všichni jsou velmi stateční. Už pro ně máme jména: kluci:
Kevin, Kodiak holky:
Karamba, Kamala, Kruela
No a naši bílý ovčáci z vrhu J jsou machrové, celý svět je jen jejich, všechno a všichni jsou na kousání a na hraní. Všude musí být a všechno musí vidět - a pokud je to jedlé - tak ještě i sníst nejlépe. .. Také všichni už moc dobře vědí, co chtějí a dokážou si o to říci. Maminka Amádea před nimi už utíká a nejraději by je asi ani neznala, neb jsou z nich malí draci a piraně :-D - EHM nejenom maminka, ale občas i já :-D
We are bringing u results from last weekend shows:
National show Walbrzych 8.6.2008
- judge Anna Pulikowska-Klimonda
Chantal - intermediate class - V1, CWC, best female,
National winner
Chispa - open class - V2
Berry - intermediate - V1, CWC, best female,
National winner, BOB
international show Wroclav 7.6.2008
Ferguston Taien - V1, CWC -
complete condition for Poland Champion - We are sending big gratulation to Fergík, Martina and Davidovi :-)
international show Nitra 7.6.2008
White shepherds - judge P. Řehánek
Chantal - open class - V1, CAC
Schipperkes - judge Pawel Szemraj
Bobeš - champion class - V2, res. CAC, res. CACIB
Berry - intermediate - V1, CAC,
Thank to Denisa for helping with handling and we are sending congratulation to her becouse of succes with Bruno - he was choosed as a second most beautifull puppy of IDS Nitra!
National show Senec 6.6.2008 - judge G. Ridarčíková
Jack - V1, CAC
Berry - V1, CAC
Chantal - V1, CAJC -
splněny podmínky pro slovenského junior šampiona
Chispa - V2, res. CAC
last results are from
International show in Salzburk 1.6.2008, judge: Hans Muller
Black Johny - V1, CAC,
Jack - V1, CAC, res. CACIB
We are bringing u some new pictures of our puppies and also some new information how we get on international show in Litomerice - 24.5.2008:
Shepherds - judge p. Karhanová:
Chispa - young class, 3 females - V1, CAJC - complete conditions for Cz jun. champion
Chantal - intermediate, 3 females - V1, CAC
Ferguston - open class, 2 dogs - V1
Schipperkes - judge P. Szemraj:
Jack - V1, CAC,
Agáta - V1, CAC,
There are some new pictures from friday and from today on puppy page of litter J. From yesterday they are enjoying new space outside. They are looking satisfaced and all the time playing biting games :-)
litter J |
There is also new pictures on Schipperke page - well they are very selfconfidence allready and curious about everythink new.
And finaly we also bring puppy pictures of our litter K - they were for the first time outside - but more they they were interested about where is milk bar :-)
On the end i would like to apologize that im in delay with responding emails. Unfortunately there is lot of work - dogs are priority N1 and on the top - there is exam season at school now. So I have almost no free time. So please if i will be to late with respond or u will need respond asap - write me multiple. Thanks for understanding
We have have visited double CACIB IDS Bratislava with such a results:
shepherd Chantal - V1, CAC,
BOBschipperke Bobeš - first VD :-)
schipperke Agáta Taien - V1, CAC, res. CACIB
shepherd Chantal - V1, CAC,
CACIBschipperke Agáta Taien - V1, CAC,
Brenda become mother - on monday 12th of May there born 2 boys and 3 girls. It was longest waiting for puppies - they born after 65th day, but there is also everythink just perfect, Brenda is taking care about her children very faithfully and
puppies are going very well
Small schipperkes celebrate 4 weeks on tuesday and just today our small shepherd are 2 weeks old. Look to new pictures in galery.
Schipperkes start to discover new world - very slowly, but they are so interested in everything :-) and white shepherd´s puppies become teddybears, some of tham opened eyes allready and they are triing to play.
Next great news are from schipperke world. We have pass examination of lux. patella with such a results:
Kiwi - 0/0 - free
Berry - 0/0 - free
So all our schipperkes are tested and all are heathy :-)
Hot news from Cherokee Taien - Congratulation to succes in regional Show in Hluboka:
Excelent 1, class winner, Regional winner
Oficialy we would like to introduce you
Czech junior champion our
Chantal Taien
Today in morning born white shepherd´s
Amadea become mother of
4 boys and 5 girls :-)
Schipperke puppies from
litter E opened eyes! :-)
- today they are two weeks and we know tham names allready:
boys - Electron a Esso,
girls: Easy, Ebony a Electra
On saturday we have visited international show in nice poland city - Opole
Ianicki Stainebock from Israel was judging white shepherds:
Chantal - intermediate class- V2
Chispa - open class- V1,CWC, best female,
- Yupii :-)
Piotr Krol from Poland was judging schipperkes:
Berry Taien - V1, CWC, CACIB
Fire de Chimindoa - alias
Bobeš - V2,res. CACIB
Show in Opole welcomed us with big rings, green gras and perfect weather - i have to write that it was first and very beautifull
poland show for us and we were leaving Opole with great feelings :-)
On saturday we have visited international show in Ceske Budejovice
White shepherd was judging by Mr L. Jancik:
Chantal - Exc 1, CAC - completed
Czech junior champion
Chispa - Exc 2
For this time we didnt show our schipperkes,
but we were so lucky becouse of result of our offsprings.
Judge - M. Krinke:
Dorka Taien - very promising 1
Agáta Taien - Exc 1, CAC, CACIB,
BOB and
in final she get
We are sending big gratulation to city Jicin to
Prachovske skaly - its great succes!
Amelie is Mother!
Happily we would like to announce, that schipperke puppies born in night from tuesday to wednesday 16th of April.
They are small, but there is everythink correct. They are looking fine, eating, satisfaced sleeping ..
There are three girls and two boys.
Amelie become excelent mother and is taking care about her childrens just perfectly.
Internation show in Austria - Wieselburg:
Thanks to
Denisa for handling
Chantal Taien - excelent 1, CACA (judge B. Meszaros SK)
Schipperke results:
Jack Taien -
excelent 1, CACA, CACIB, BOB,
BIG 5!
Black Johny Taien - excelent 1, CACA, res. CACIB
We are sending big congratulation to Jack and Denisa - great succes :-)
It is sure! :-) - we have confirmed pregnancy of
Brenda. Also schipperke
will be mother everyday allready.
So there is comming to be lot of fun on May, June and July - everybody is welcome for puppy cudling -
but necessary to bring dog bisquits :-)
This weekend took place special show for white shepherd in Svojanov. All
results u can find soon on homepage of Czech club for white shepherds -
click. Judge was Mrs Petra Spoustova and our
dogs get this results:
Chantal - class of young shortcoated females, from 7females - excelent 2
(judge didnt like that Chantal is not in excelent show condition becouse of changing coat)
but still great succes :-)
Chispína - class of young longcoated females, from 7 females - excelent 1,
CAJC. Than she beat best young longcoated male and became
BEST YOUNG DOG of this show :-)
In same day, but in place 200km far away from Svojanov - in Mlada Boleslav was
club show for schipperkes. I have to thanks a lot to friend Denisa and Vlasta for handling my dogs. Judge Refet Hadžič from
Bosna and Hercegoviny had "special" style of judging. It was looking that he has somethink agains schipperkes in small category, becouse
althought nice descriptions he didnt give titul to anyone. In bigger category he gave excelent + titul to every schipperke.
Complete results can be find on
Denisa homepage.
Results of "our" schipperkes :
kategorie 3-5kg:
Dorka - VP1
Black Jack - VD1
Agáta z Jičína - EX1
Bobeš - EX1
kategorie 5-8kg:
Berry - EX1, CAC
Amélie - EX1, CAC, Club winner
In saturday evening we had to celebrate our great results and than there was celebration of 15th birthday of Czech club for white shepherds
and on the top was message that Bobes become father again, that female Besca Cidabro has two beautifull black boys :-)
There was international dog show in Prague - Letnany
Chantal - young class, 4females - excelent 2
Schipperkes was judging O. Vondrous and Taien´s schipperkes gets best posible results :-) :
Black Jack - V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB + final selection
Agáta Taien from Jicin city - V1, CAC, CACIB
This show have been with nomination to Cruft show - so we are congratulatin to both schipperkes ant their owners
and we hope that they will go there finaly :-D
We are expecting puppies from two litters of white shepherds:
Amadea x Victories Bodyguard of Haley´s future
Brenda x Flash Yokon of white sunshine
more information can be found under link to
puppy page
Our Grandmother
Beky celebrate this month her 11th birthdays in great health :-)
Results from International show in Brno:
White shepherds - judge M. Redlicky:
Chispa - jung class, 5females - Excelent 1, CAJC
Schipperkes - judge M. Krinke:
Bobeš - V1, CAC, res. CACIB
Berry - V1, CAC, CACIB
By this show
Berry completed conditions for Czech junior Champion and we can proudly say that
all schipperkes from our litter B Taien (Chita x Julian-Ebby von Kaputkaz) became junior champions in the country where are living!
Finaly some news :-) Schipperkes Ciro, Coudy and Cacorka found great homes, white
puppies Tristan and Isolda also, schipperke Dorka is naughty living near from us (look to her homepage
and in our house are still making fun and live two brothers Dino and Derek. Dino should leave this weekend to Slovakia so than we
will be looking for new home for beautifull and sweet little devil Derek.
Results from National show in Olomouc 13.1.2008:
Chispa - in young class, from 6females - excelent 2
Bobeš - excelent 1, CAC,
National winner - completed conditions for
Czech champion
© Schmidt 2006